Programm für Straßenkriminalität

Nicht neu aber lustig: das MMS-Zeugenschutzprogramm der Firma Waleli:

MMS-witness highlights to people that the digital camera they are carrying can be used to combat crime. The introduction of MMS-witness will see the number of “eyes” on the street rise dramatically as well as helping to provide increasingly reliable witness statements.

Having taken a photograph or filmed a movie, the person texts the file to a central, secured police database using a country-wide telephone number. The image is reviewed, stored on the database and, if required, sent to the mobile phones / PDAs of police officers on the street to help increase the chances of a successful arrest.

Straßenräuber werden sich bedanken, wenn man ihnen leichte, einfach zu handelnde und nicht ganz billige Gegenstände entgegenstreckt.