Irgendwie schade: Daily Kos hat das Hammergerücht des Jahres gelöscht.
Kurzfassung: Der jüngste Sohn von running mate Sarah Palin sei in Wahrheit ihr Enkel. Die Gouverneurin habe die Schwangerschaft nur vorgetäuscht, um die Schwangerschaft ihrer damals 15jährigen Tochter Bristol zu verheimlichen.
Da lacht das Herz der muckraker, der Gossenjournalisten. Leider ist an der Story nicht so besonders viel daran: Belege gibt es nicht. Die Indizien sind im wesentlichen, dass die Gouverneurin auf einigen Fotos nicht schwanger aussah und drei Tage nach der Entbindung wieder gearbeitet habe. Dazu sei Bristol angeblich während der Zeit von der Schule verschwunden.
Sie Story ist einfach zu gut, um wahr zu sein, oder? Bei Dailykos hat die Story für richtig viel Streit gesorgt. Soll man sich mit diesem tabloid stuff gegen den politischen Gegner stellen? Wie schützt man die Kinder vor dieser Schlammschlacht?
Nun ist bei Dailykos wieder eine entschäfte Version der Story aufgetaucht. Interessant finde ich die zunehmend emotionalen Updates des Autoren:
**Update 2: Looking at the comments section makes my blood boil in anger and frustration. I’m not spreading a rumor first of all, second of all this is why we lose time and time and time again because we want ’nobility‘ in politics and we get shot in the face each time we try to play the ’noble‘ way with the Republicans. If this had been us the GOP operatives would have called a GOP strategist to seriously look into this charge and smear it all over a Democrats face and then beat us and we would then go back to our blogs and complain about how much the Republicans suck. The issue is not spread a rumor or smear her daughter, I am simply saying if you are lying governor tell the truth just tell the truth. Truth is all we want.
**Update 3: The same people attacking me now in the comments section probably called the National Enquirer story about John Edwards rubbish until he had to finally admit it. I know the National Enquirer is trash but they were certainly right about that, so please stop with the stupid comments about give it a rest and „Oh lord“ and all of that bull shit, this woman is lying and creating a false narrative and I’m supposed to leave it alone, well to those of you who tell me to leave it alone I say FUCK YOU. I will not leave it alone, the last thing we need as Vice President is a liar who’d go to such extremes to cover something like this up, haven’t we had enough of that already over the last 8 years?
**Update: Folks! Is this really who the fuck I’ve been hanging out on this blog with??????? A bunch of people who want us to play nice, what the fuck is this about? This is a serious issue and if this were us the Freepers would be all over this and it would be on FOX news by Sunday Night like the madrassa story. This is our fucking problem, we want to play nice with somebody who wants to fucking kill us, they would smear this story all over our fucking faces had it been us. Regardless of what you think of Republicans they sure as hell know how to win elections and looking at the bull shit comments below I totally see why. „Stay on issues“ „we’ll win on issues“ John Kerry lost on isssues, Walter Mondale lost on issues and Michael Dukakis lost on issues. I’m not spreading rumors here I’m saying look into this very serious matter and stop fucking attacking me idiots.