Der Wikipedia-Mord

In einem US-Blog habe ich Stoff für einen Krimi gefunden: Ein Familiendrama wird anonym in der Wikipedia gemeldet, bevor die Polizei die Medien informiert hat. War es gar der Täter selbst?

Here’s quite an amazing edit on Wikipedia, in which an anonymous person, editing from the IP address, modifies the article on Chris Benoit to read “However, Chris Benoit was replaced by Johnny Nitro for the ECW Championship match at Vengeance, as Benoit was not there due to personal issues, stemming from the death of his wife Nancy” (editing addition in italics). In case you hadn’t yet heard, Chris Benoit was a WWE wrestler who pumped his seven-year-old son full of non-prescription hormones for several weeks, then killed his wife and his son in a murder-suicide. This edit to Wikipedia was a full half day before these horrific events were reported by police to the media.

So who was anonymously editing the article with information that wasn’t known to the public yet? Chris Benoit himself? One of those friends that he sent text messages to after killing his family but before offing himself? Another edit an hour later by a different anonymous IP address,, reveals more information, modifying the article to read “However, Chris Benoit was replaced by Johnny Nitro for the ECW Championship match at Vengeance, as Benoit was not there due to personal issues which according to several pro wrestling websites is attributed to the passing of Benoit’s wife, Nancy” (addition in italics).

Meiner Meinung nach ist dem Blog-Autoren die Fantasie durchgegangen, es gibt viele recht unspektakuläre Erklärungen für Informationslecks. Aber die Idee an sich ist nicht ohne.

Wäre das etwas für unsere Tatort-Kommissare in Münster? Ein ungelöster Mord an einem B-Prominenten, die Vollzugsmeldung in der Wikipedia. Herr Börne ist ja halbwegs fit am Laptop – und in Münster gibt es sicher einen Wikipedia-Stammtisch voller Verdächtiger. Der etwas tollpatschige Kommissar Bulle könnte sich gar als Internet-Junkie outen.

PS: Wie vermutet hat sich die Mörder-Story als harmlos entpuppt.